Wildlife - Ambong Ambong


At Ambong-Ambong, natural wildlife plays an integral part of our surroundings, adding to the charm of our holiday destination.

Guests never fail to see and be amused by our two species of resident primates, namely the Macaques and the Dusky Leaf monkeys. Ambong–Ambong is home to 30 species of birds around the resort, but guests will mostly notice the Oriental Pied and the Great hornbills. The majestic birds of prey, the eagles, namely White-bellied Sea Eagles and Brahminy Kite that patrol the sky above to swoop and extract fish from the sea are another source of fascination. Other members of the family are tree lizards, Tokay geckos and the common but difficult to see flying lizards from tree to tree in search of food. Colugos or flying lemurs, slow lorises, mouse deer, civet cats and porcupines from many different species also live in our rainforest but being nocturnal, are difficult to see except by the very diligent.

We invite you to reconnect with nature and relax in nature’s grace. Indulge in an immersive rainforest retreat and enjoy the sights and sounds of a tropical rainforest paradise.

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